First the walkway to the front door:
As you can see, I'm only missing two small penstemon on the right side to complete the border. I e-mailed the very helpful manager of the Grow Native Nursery on the westside and she's promised to let me know if there are any more at Rancho Santa Ana. If not, I'll have to order them.
For the upper border I went with coral bells again, but this time I used the "Rosada" cultivar.
After I put them in, I measured the area and tried to order the UC Hybrid Buffalo Grass. Unfortunately, this grass goes dormant in the winter and isn't available until February 2011, so for now, this will remain dirt. Here are two different panorama shots of the dirt:
[in morning sunlight]
[in afternoon shade]
I have a small spot in the corner of the house between my planter box and my neighbor, so I decided to try to plant a Verbena there. It's just an experiment.
I've mulched the north parkway strip and put in wild flower seeds. Hopefully in the spring there will be quite a show:
For the west parkway strip, I had to put in an inorganic mulch so I'm using decomposed granite. I bought seven 75 lb bags of the stuff, and I still haven't quite finished. I'm not sure how deep the coverage should be.
Opposite the parkway strip, on the west side of the house, I put in more coyote mint. I'm just three short of completing the border
So what's left besides the grass?
1. I need to fill in the two uncompleted borders.
2. I need to prepare the west side yard to make it into a wildflower garden. Before I can do that I need to finish the service path along the west planter box.
3. I need to finish the front right and left planter boxes.
4. I need to mulch the remaining borders of the right front yard.
In the meantime, I've got a few blossoms appearing.
California Fuschia:
Hummingbird Sage:
One of the Coral Bells has a flower stalk emerging:
And one of the monkey flowers:
I admire your ambition and hard work.