Thursday, September 2, 2010

Shades of Green

I've been trying to figure out 1) what shade of green I currently have; and 2) which shade of green I want to have. Part of the problem is that my house faces north and so receives very little direct sunlight. The other part of the problem is that the rest of the house is stucco, which reflects light differently than wood.

I photographed the green in closeup. This first one is in shade

The second one is in sunlight.

I've been cycling around the neighborhood, photographing both paint colors and gardens.

This is an example of what looks like mint. You can see how the color changes based on the texture of the material. This is also an example of a color I don't like.

This next house I really liked. Particularly, in that they also use native plants in their garden. The problem is that part of what makes their house work is the stone on the bottom, which I don't have.

Here are two other variations
The first is right across the street from the above house.

I also saw this house, which I thought had a dramatic trim with the green. The first photo shows the house with the native garden, the next shows the trim:

I also liked this approach, which used a kind of camel yellow as trim:

There's one street in the California Heights neighborhood, where several people have put in native gardens. Here are some that I like or found interesting:

I also found one house in the neighborhood, whose landscaping I also really liked:

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,

    I love this native garden look as well. Very practical but oh, so beautiful! What great color, texture, and variety.

