Well, I've made progress on three fronts in landscaping.
First, the palm tree that threatened the house and blocked a window is nearly out. They chopped off all the fronds, dug around it, and will pull out the stump tomorrow morning.
You can see here how close the trunk has come to the house. Just a few more years and it would shift it off its foundations.
Without the palm fronds, the window is fully visible. I need to think about what I plant in its place. Part of me wished I could plant a pomegranate there, but in the long run it will cut off too much light to that window.
The contractor also replaced the missing sprinkler head. When I finally managed to turn on the water the other day, all that happened was all the water pressure when to missing head and the water flowed into the gutter.
Yesterday evening, I finished removing the sod from the area that will be my vegetable garden. I want to compost the sod, but I'm still trying to figure how (and where) to put up a compost pile. I also got the second row of bricks in place. Now, all I need is the top soil.
It turns out that there is one sprinkler head in the area I set aside for the garden, right by the steps leading to the porch. I'll talk to the contractor about either sealing it off or closing it somehow.
I have a verbal estimate for refinishing the floors and we're going to meet in the morning to talk about it. I'm also working on getting the interiors painted (I'll worry about the exteriors later).