Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Wildflowers

The front yard is in full bloom.

Adjacent to the sidewalk are the margarita penstemon and the pitcher sage, then there are the blue flax and the desert willow with its new green leaves.  There are a few white chinese houses, and behind them are the clarkia and finally the heuchera.  There are also some poppies scattered about.

Here's a better shot of the blue flax and the elegant clarkia.  On the back right, you can see the reddish-orange monkey flower is doing well, and on the far right, you can see the lilac verbena is just exploding.
In the back are the heuchera. I've started dead heading these to get a second flowering.

The seaside daisies lining the walkway are all blooming.
 As is the white sage on the parkway strip.  In fact, the flower stalks on this are so long, I had to trim some back as they were blocking the sidewalk.  
 The pink yarrow is starting to bloom.

As are these blue gilias.