I put in two sets of bulbs in the front yard. There's on small grouping close to the house that can handle summer water, but most of them are on the west parkway strip, which doesn't get any water from the sprinklers in the summer (I do some watering by hand every two weeks).
Here you can see the white-flowering bulbs near the house.
The bulbs on the parkway strip are not as tall, but are blue and white. They are called "Ithuriel's spears," and I put them in diagonal strips across the parkway. I tried to waver them, to give them a slightly more natural look. I put more bulbs in the ground in December, trying to fill in gaps in the parkway.
The bulbs are blooming in staggered shifts. The bulbs I planted last year have begun to bloom. While the ones I put in this year won't bloom for another two weeks or so.
This section suffered a lot last year when they tore up the sidewalk and poured new concrete. Thankfully, the bulbs grew back this year.
Meanwhile, I have some Farewell-to-spring Clarkia that's blooming. Last
year, I had a whole side of the front in bloom, but I put grass over
that area last August, so no blooms there this year. I may put down
some seed next fall.
I do have to let the front yard look a little "weedy" at times, in order for the wild flowers to go to seed. That way, they'll bloom again next year.